Running toward danger changes you

Comprehensive Trauma Training Package

Trauma Introduction-  Initial discussion regarding the spectrum of trauma and the stigma attached to seeking help. It includes statistics relevant to the training audience regarding the prevalence of PTSD in their population. This training provides education regarding the terminology frequently misunderstood or inaccurately used in day-to-day conversation. The audience will be provided information about physiological impacts of trauma and effective methods for coping.

Emotional Awareness and Trauma- This training provides the opportunity for the audience to connect language to physiological sensations that show up in the body as a result of trauma. An introduction to the Emotional Activation Model for Trauma is provided as a means for better understanding and communication. Strategies for creating a safe environment where emotional language can be used and traumatic experiences processed are discussed. The audience is invited to consider how the experiences in their body and brain may be influencing their communication and perspective.

Effective Support Systems- This training offers insight into how trauma can impact relationships and the significance of having various supportive elements in their support system. The audience is provided strategies for expanding personal support networks and education about the importance of remaining engaged in relationships when facing the challenging dynamics of trauma. In this training, the audience will be provided ways of breaking down isolation barriers and building connectivity with their support system.